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Wildlife Conversation Society

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Wildlife Conversation Society

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The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Belize is a non-profit organization that works to protect and conserve the biodiversity of Belize. Founded in 1998, the organization focuses on the conservation of threatened and endangered species, as well as the protection and management of important habitats such as wetlands, coral reefs, and tropical forests.

WCS Belize works in partnership with local communities, government agencies, and other conservation organizations to achieve its goals. The organization’s main projects include:

  • Jaguar Conservation: WCS Belize works to protect the country’s jaguar population through research, monitoring, and conservation efforts. This includes working with local communities to reduce human-jaguar conflict and promote coexistence.
  • Marine Conservation: WCS Belize works to protect Belize’s coral reefs and marine ecosystems through research, monitoring, and conservation efforts. This includes working to reduce the impacts of overfishing, pollution, and other human activities on these ecosystems.
  • Forest Conservation: WCS Belize works to protect Belize’s tropical forests through research, monitoring, and conservation efforts. This includes working with local communities to promote sustainable use of forest resources and reduce the impacts of illegal logging and deforestation.

WCS Belize also engages in public education and awareness campaigns to promote conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Overall, the organization’s efforts are aimed at ensuring the long-term survival of Belize’s unique and diverse wildlife and natural habitats.

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